- networking of companies with the members of Cluster “DRVO” in the context of strengthening business cooperation and expanding the customers’ network
- joint actions towards relevant institutions of authorities in the field of purposeful and continuous distribution of forest wood assortments from locally available sources ;
- creation of skilled workforce in such a manner that would meet the needs of local employers engaged in wood processing and furniture production, primarily skilfulness in manual processing, machining or the application of CNC technology in the production;
- organization of practical learning within a company, tailored to meet the needs of employers;
- mapping the needs of companies operating within “DRVO” Cluster for the purpose of defining adequate support measures (certification, introduction of quality standards, digital marketing advancement, organisation of in-house fairs, etc.);
- access to funding sources under favourable terms, significant loans and the like.
- preparation of members for the participation in donor support programs aimed at advancing existing technologies, education and training.
- greater visibility of members and associates through different channels of cluster promotion: direct contact, web presentation, preparation and inclusion into different entrepreneurial networks, fair participation, organisation of in-house fairs and similar
- use of resource centre capacities for business fostering
- one stop centre for the matters of significance for business performance (administrative-legal issues, identification of educational needs and organisation of education programs, consultations regarding legislative framework, access to raw materials);
- multi-media hall and workspace that can be used by business entities;
- exhibition room within the show room for personal promotion of products and services;
- development of new products and services by using Prijedor Circle Hug capacities, offering the possibility of interaction between traditional wood industry and innovations (prototypes and innovative product development, introduction of creative industries in business, etc.)