The concept of the Resource Centre is based on the creation of functional network of stakeholders (public, private and business sector), while the main objective is to ensure strong infrastructure for further growth of wood processing industry, as well as to increase the involvement of various associations, enterprises, organisations and institutions in the process of planning and implementing specific activities in the area of wood processing
The Resource Center strives to bridge the current gap between the activities and efforts aimed at creating conditions for the growth and strengthening of wood processing and furniture production, by establishing a more meaningful link between the development agencies, clusters and private sector, which are in need of a more sustainable infrastructure being able to satisfy current affinities, speed up the growth and provide for foreign market orientation.
The Resource Center and its activities represent a sort of upgrade of operations and of the functioning of DRVO-PD Cluster, which has been a part of the PREDA Agency for 15 years already. As such, it will become an extension of the PREDA Agency, focusing on assisting and supporting the businesses from the Prijedor region and will enable the introduction of a stronger, more direct concept based on synergy and the opportunity to offer something more.
The Resource Centre incorporates two (2) functional units of physical infrastructure for supporting different enterprises.
The first functional unit Is an administrative-operational section of the Resource Center which is located in the Agency “PREDA-PD”.
The second functional unit concerns the establishment of the Center for Rapid Economic Interventions, and it is situated in the local wood processing company, Gavranovic d.o.o.
smješten je u preduzeću Gavranović d.o.o. i ima za cilj da ponudi sticanje praktičnih znanja iz različitih oblasti: proces obrade iverice bušenjem, rezanje iverice, završna obrada, montiranje i sve ono što preduzećima iz ovog sektora zatreba, a da se tiče proizvodnje pločastog namještaja.
For more information visit https://namjestajgavranovic.com/
The administrative - operational section of the Resource Centre includes:
– kancelarijski prostor Klastera DRVO-PD,
– multimedijalni centar,
– izložbeni prostor – show room.
The offices are used for carrying out all operational and administrative activities needed for the successful functioning of the Resource Center, Klaster "DRVO-PD", as well as specific activities for supporting wood processing sector from the Prijedor region. Resource Center’s digitalized services are provided via digital platform, telephone or email consultations.
Multimedia center is a facility available to businessmen for their working and business meetings, presentations, education, press conferences, different types of wood processing promotions and the like. It is widely known that a company can make the world’s best quality product, but if its visibility is poor, all the efforts are in vain. Multimedia center is open for all companies to use modern presentation tools when organizing any kind of in-house fairs and online presentations. In this facility, company management has an access to various multimedia equipment, they can hold business meetings there, online consultations, education and anything else they do not have capacities for in their own manufacturing facilities. Multimedia center can accommodate up to 30 visitors at once, it is open for companies without any fee, while the schedule for using this center is agreed either with the Recourse Center or through digital platform.
The Exhibition facility, which is actually a show room, is intended for the promotion of products of wood processors, it is designed in the manner that it exhibits the products of local and wood processing companies, where all business center visitors have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the domestic products and services. The show rooms serves as a sort of campaign to promote the purchase of local products, and to show to foreign clients that this region produces quality furniture and interior design that matches the most modern world trends.