
DRVO-PD  >  >  Agroflora



Preobraženjska bb, 79240 Kozarska Dubica,

Bosnia and Herzegovina

 +387 (0)52 428 530

+387 (0)65 525 089

+387 (0)52 430 884


History and business tradition

The company has been operating since 1996. The company’s core business is wood finishing following primary processing. The production is carried out in the company’s sawmill and plants for wood finishing. The company has adequate woodworking equipment and transportation means for external and internal transport, with wood drying equipment with the capacity of 1000 m3, timber steaming equipment the capacity of which is 60m3, and equipment for thermal treatment of wood, with the capacity of 20 m3. Annual wood processing capacity is 13000m3.

Main products are placed on the markets of Austria, Slovenia, Italy; Spain Belgium, Serbia, Croatia, China, Japan, Iran UAE, Turkey.

Things that make us well-known 

The major segment is thermal treatment of wood at high temperatures, so called TERMO WOOD, which represents one of the most advanced technologies used in this industrial sector. This treatment makes wood more resistant to water and pests, and its color takes on darker shades.

The company uses top quality raw materials and offers supreme processing. It holds all the necessary certificates (ISO and FSC).


sawn timber - raw, dried, steamed and thermally treated,

elements for the production of floors and furniture,

thermally treated plates,

thermally treated floors,

decking - wooden coverings for swimming pools, parks, etc.,

dječiji krevetići i kolijevke


masivne ploče za stolove – modernog su dizajna, namijenjeni za dnevne boravke ili poslovne prostore

The most represented types of wood being processed are oak, beech, ash, linden, acacia, elm.

Advantages of heat-treated wood:

By using the heat treatment process, the wood becomes more resistant to water and pests, and its color takes on darker shades. Heat treatment of wood is an innovative Finnish technology that gives our product a higher quality, and your home a new level of elegance. All thermally treated species have a lighter and darker variant depending on the height of the temperature at which the wood was treated.

Advantages of heat-treated floors:

Dobija se termo tretiranjem drveta čime se smanjuje vlaga drva do ispod 1%, te ono postiže nova svojstva – otpornost na vlagu i štetočine. Samim time ono postaje upotrebljivo za nove primjene u okruženju Vašeg doma. Znatno se smanjuje upijanje vode, poboljšava se izdržljivost, stabilnost te izolacijska svojstva, a drvo ravnomjerno mijenja boju dobivši egzotičan tamniji izgled.

Thermobehandelte Wandbeläge:

Wooden wall cladding made of natural wood is an excellent choice for interior decoration. The modern 3D structure completes the emptiness of the walls and leaves a unique impression. High quality workmanship provides reliable protection against dust and moisture. Maintenance is easy with a soft damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner. Each board is unique which is proof that the cladding is made of natural wood. The surface on which the cladding is placed must be load-bearing, smooth and firm.