Lignotehna Company
Žurin bb,79220 Novi Grad
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387(0)52 720980 +387(0)65 516418

History and business tradition
„LIGNOTEHNA COMPANY” d.o.o. je kompanija koja posjeduje dugogodišnju tradiciju poslovanja, te se bavi proizvodnjom hrastovih elemenata za poznatog kupca. Firma posluje od 2001. godine.
Things that make us well-known
The company reached a high level specialization and is able to offer to potential clients the following: friezes and elements of different dimension and quality. The company has a plant for the production and processing of sawn timber and wood components, a drying kiln, facilities for storage and conditioning of sawn and dried timber. Products and services are available on the local market, but also in the countries of the European Union.