Lipa Drvo

Magistralni put bb, 79203 Omarska

Bosnia and Herzegovina

 +387 (0)52 333149

+387 (0)52 331170


History and business tradition

LIPA DRVO was founded in 2000 and has a long tradition of doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Things that make us well-known

We provide numerous services: cutting, trimming, steaming, drying, sorting, storage and immediate delivery to clients. Lipa also owns a modern laminating machine.

The Banja Luka region is considered the area where the best beech grows in the world. On the other hand, the proximity to the rest of the Balkan area provides the possibility for a continuous supply of certified quality oak. These are the reasons why the sustainability of forest wealth is a priority for Lipa and all production units of Corà Timber Industries, which, thanks to suppliers selected through strict parameters of reliability and accuracy, guarantees maximum preservation of forest potential. Respect and due attention paid to environmental issues, commitment to processing raw materials according to the highest quality standards, experience gained over many years of work, are the elements that make Lipa an absolute competitor in terms of quality in Bosnia and Croatia. All this is possible thanks to the professionalism, reliability and experience of the staff, values that are part of our production process.

An extensive commercial network, shared with the Cora Timber Industries group, promotes Lipa FSC certified products, providing support, qualified consulting and assistance to clients worldwide. Uninterrupted supply of logs, complete control of the production cycle, from the forest to the final product, constant monitoring and  high standards have one common   purpose, and that is   client satisfaction. During all these years of activity, Lipa received numerous awards from authorities and institutions in the local community. In 2015, more than 600 trucks and containers were delivered with a percentage of 0.5% of complaints  on the total amount of delivered goods. The company can meet numerous requirements thanks to locally installed equipment: Lipa owns 19 dryers, with a total area of 1860 m² of space, 2 steamers and 5 forklifts, 2 boilers, 1 Primultini Italian band saw, 3 tailors and 1 BFB line for automatic re-selection.


Uninterrupted supply of logs, complete control of the production cycle, from the forest to the final product, constant monitoring and  high standards have one common   purpose, and that is   client satisfaction.



The color of the beech is light pink-brown. The texture is fine, and the fibers are mostly straight.
Purpose: chairs and furniture in general; panels, curved contours.

Use: Internal


Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Produktion: sušeno na 12 +/- 2%, oblano po bočnim stranama, blago pareno (8 sati)
Thickness: 26 mm – 32 mm * – 38 mm – 50 mm – 60 mm * (actual thickness on sale after drying)

* Limited availability

It is produced in the following classes: A class, B class and Industrial.



The wood is light brown, the grain goes from straight to irregular and crossed, depending on the growing conditions. With radial cuts, recognizable silvery shapes.
Purpose: furniture, high quality carpentry, wine, beer and cognac barrels, boxes.
Use: internal and external


Origin: Bosnia and Croatia
Production: dried at 12 +/- 2%,
Thickness: 26mm - 32mm - 38mm - 50mm - 63mm (actual thickness after drying)

It is produced in the following classes: Prime, Rustik Plus and Rustik Standard