Naziv projekta: Strengthening the capacity of the Cluster

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 6.000 KM

Donator: Republic Agency for Development of RS

Cilj projekta: The project supported the establishment of institutional support for the development of the wood industry, strengthening the competitiveness of the wood industry through strengthening human resources. 

Implementation period: 2007-2008.

Naziv projekta: Vocational education project

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 100.000KM

Donator: GTZ (German Technical Cooperation)

Cilj projekta: The project enabled the establishment of a workshop for manual woodworking within the Mechanical School in Prijedor. 

Implementation period: 2007-2008.

Naziv projekta: Cluster services development

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 12.000KM

Donator: SNV (Dutch Development Agency)

Cilj projekta: The project supported the establishment of business connections through professional representation in public, participation in fairs and effective promotion.

Implementation period: 2008.

Naziv projekta: Razvoj promotivnog materijala za Klaster – Klaster drvne industrije i industrije namještaja DRVO Prijedor

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 10.000KM

Donator: „FIRMA“ projekat

Cilj projekta: The project financed the production of promotional funds and materials for the needs of the Cluster members (promotional brochure, new website design, development of the conceptual design of the cluster fair setting).

Implementation period: 2010.

Naziv projekta: Increasing the competitiveness of Cluster member companies through the introduction of FSC CoC standards


Vrijednost projekta: cca. 10.000KM

Donator: „FIRMA“ projekat

Cilj projekta: The project financed the development of action plans (pre-preparation and preparation depending on the interests of each individual company) for the introduction of FSC CoC standards for 9 companies in the wood industry and industry

Implementation period: 2010-2011.

Naziv projekta: Coalition for a Stronger Voice of Small Business

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 37.160KM

Donator: Delegation of the European Union to BiH

Cilj projekta: The project finances the strengthening of existing associations (carriers of economic development) through their better organization and representation with the support of the academic community.

Implementation period: 2012-2014.

Naziv projekta: IDWOOD-Clustering Knowledge,Innovation and Design in SEAWOOD    sector

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 39.900KM

Donator: Program Jugoistočne Evrope

Cilj projekta: Financing clusters of knowledge, innovation and design in the wood sector of SE Europe. 

Implementation period: 2012-2014.

Naziv projekta: DELICE- Development of lifelong learning to strengthen competitiveness and increase employment

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 226.960KM

Donator: Delegation of the European Union to BiH

Cilj projekta: The project aimed to improve the concept of lifelong learning in secondary schools through the procurement of necessary equipment and the introduction of new training programs. 

Implementation period: 2013-2015.

Naziv projekta: Furniture-RE-possibility of reusing furniture with improved qualities

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 97.000KM

Donator: Danube Start program

Cilj projekta: Exploring new possibilities for finishing and placing solid furniture on EU markets.

Implementation period: 2015-2016.

Naziv projekta: Practical classes at the workplace I, II

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 481.000KM

Donator: donor to the Swiss government

Cilj projekta: The project financed the strengthening of the existing capacities of workshops for the training of wood technicians by introducing new tools and equipment, as well as support to economic entities that are actively involved in the organization of practical classes.

Implementation period: 2017-2018.

Naziv projekta: Competitive knowledge and skills for sustainable jobs

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 459.479KM

Donator: Međunarodna organizacija rada-ILO

Cilj projekta: Introduction of employment support measures, through the implementation of training programs and strengthening of existing technologies for jobs: welders, CNC operators for the metal and wood industry, upholsterers, vegetable producers (greenhouse production) and IT specialists.

Implementation period: 2017-2018.

Naziv projekta: Support for innovation and competitiveness in value chains in forestry activities in the Danube region - FORESDA

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 202.873

Donator: Dunav Transnacionalni program

Cilj projekta: Danube Transnational Program

Implementation period: 2017-2018.

Naziv projekta: Introduction of modern technologies in furniture production

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 197.583KM

Donator: GIZ / EU ProLocal Project

Cilj projekta: Improving the technology and methods of cutting sheet materials in the company Ltd. Gavranović.

Implementation period: 2018.

Naziv projekta: „Providing availability of resources for wood processing companies in order to increase export through creating a focal point in Prijedor region-REPRO“

Vrijednost projekta: „Providing availability of resources for wood processing companies in order to increase export through creating a focal point in Prijedor region-REPRO“


Cilj projekta: The aim of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of the wood processing sector through innovative approaches and improve business cooperation and networking. The project introduces new technologies and ICT tools in the business of target companies.

Implementation period: 2021.

Naziv projekta: 

Vrijednost projekta: cca. 131,150.14 eura

Donator:Projekt “REPRO DI” je podržan u okviru  projekta “Inovacije i digitalizacija malih i srednjih preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini/EU4DigitalSME”  kojeg sufinansiraju Evropska unija i vlada SR Njemačke, a implementira Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 

Cilj projekta: Opšti cilj projekta je ubrzanje tehnološke (digitalne) transformacije i digitalne inovacije malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) radi ublažavanja uticaja COVID-19 na ekonomiju BiH. Specifični cilj projekta je razvoj i pružanje usluga digitalne transformacije preduzeća za potrebe MSP prvenstveno  u lokalnoj drvnoj industriji i industriji namještaja.

Implementation period: 2023.-2024.